Kingdom Jump 3D Game Backend Development

We helped PolyFruit Studio develop a comprehensive backend database solution for their online games

Kingdom Jump 2.5D Platformer Game Development

About the Project

In 2020, we helped PolyFruit Studios design and develop a comprehensive backend database solution for their online game, Kingdom Jump. It is a 2.5D Platformer RPG Game which requires an advanced player inventory system, and in-game store where players may pay for In-App-Purchase items.

The technology we developed the database solution with was Microsoft's PlayFab, we integrated it with Unity to create an advanced database solution for the online game.

When we develop projects for clients, integrating a database solution to create certain features generally involves a modern cloud database solution such as Google Firebase, or in this case, Microsoft PlayFab, to ensure a reliable and safe database solution for the clients.

  • Date

    January 14, 2021

  • Client Name

    PolyFruit Studios

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